Stream PC movie and/or desktop to VuPlus ?


Vu+ Newbie
Dear VU-Plus Fans,

I'm trying to stream a PC movie to VU Plus (Solo4k) being within the same network.
The VLC plugin is restrictive as VU plus does not playback all movies, so I'm planning to simply e.g. play the video with VLC on my PC and stream this to the VU.

I have tried to lot in VLC and on my receiver, but I'm not getting there. Before I post all I have tried ... I though if I may ask here if there is a simply solution and/or tutorial ?

Thank you and regards
"I use Dreamplex to stream from my PC"
Can you please describe your settings on your Dreambox and on your PC/VLC ?
Are you using an extension on your Dream or a channel ?
Which VLC are you using on your PC and how to do you start the stream on VLC ?
As the devil is in the detail please post as much detail as needed.
I will try to adopt this to my VU.

Thank you and regards