Stream problems in BH image ?


Vu+ Newbie

Im having problems with using streams in BH, but it works in OpenPLI.

I have added the below 3 channels to the channel list:

#SERVICE 4097:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a// TV (1)
#SERVICE 4097:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a// TV (2)
#SERVICE 4097:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a// View

In OpenPLI the streams work, but in BH it seems they only work for a short time and then stops. Maybe in BH it only runs for as long as the initial buffer has data, and when it runs out, it stops.

Does anyone have an idea whats wrong?

Hi houge

How you insert the channels to the list?

Can you teach me?


Hi Hall9000

First do a full backup of your box, so you can go back, if something goes wrong.

I find it the easiest way, is to do it direct in your user bouquets. But you may also do it in other ways.
Black hole has a plugin called "Add stream url" that could also be used.

Lets say you want to add NASA TV to your favorites bouquets.

Find the file in your box. Go to directory enigma2, its located in etc ( configuration>etc>enigma2 )
Open the file with an editor, i like to use editpad lite, because it don´t mess with the syntax of the file.


Insert this line

#SERVICE 4097:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0: TV

Save the file and restart your box. Now you should have NASA-TV in your Favorites channel list.

If you want to add another stream, just remember to use the correct syntax.
Line begins with #SERVICE 4097:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:
Next is the link to the stream http://... or rtsp://... etc
Line ends with :channelname (what ever you want to call it.)
How to find the stream url, you should add, if you can´t see it directly on your pc?. Try this guide, its in German, but pictures should help you -->

Hope it all makes sense.

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I have been trying to get a FTA Channel - Emmanuel TV - broadcast from Lagos, Nigeria. I can get the channel live online and I want to stream it on my Vu+ Solo2 Open Blackhole 0.6 image, will this process outline above do it?
I have been trying to get a FTA Channel - Emmanuel TV - broadcast from Lagos, Nigeria. I can get the channel live online and I want to stream it on my Vu+ Solo2 Open Blackhole 0.6 image, will this process outline above do it?
Hello Eugene.

If you can find the direct stream link, then yes you should be able to.
Meaning a link you can use in i.e VLC player
