stream speed


Vu+ Newbie
Hi guys! I have a doubt when I am seeing films throught my lan pc. When I use DVD player to see a DVD saved on pc, there is no problem, I can see and hear the film without Little steps. When I see a mkv film, the sound gets good but the video is not continue and it`s stopping each 5 seconds. it is normal? I think so because the film is a file from 9 gbs. Is there another player to do what I pretend instead of the bh standard player?
Sorry! I have a duo! Swap? what do you mean?
Try setup SWAP [ 64 mb ] and all will be good i think; im see on my box in last days films who have 5 and 7 gb and was possible watch without frezes.
If you watch this film by LAN from others hardware maybe problem will be is speed LAN.
Ok, I have an internal hd. Is there any difference creating a swap in usb or in hd? I have tested and when I manage mkv files up to 7 gbs, no swap needed. I have a 11 gb mkv file and with the swap improves so I don´t know if I try with a 128 mb swap or changing the router.
Best is have swap on usb becouse he no up hdd from sleep when box can write something on swap.
On my duo i have swap size 64 mb but if you create 128 will be good too; more inportend is no create swap smoller from 64mb.
I'm also having problems playing MKV files from my NAS. The video skips every couple of seconds, especially with action scenes when there is a lot of movement in the movie. I've tested my LAN speed and its definitely not that. I've also set up 128mb SWAP. I'm using a vu+ ultimo running Is anybody else experiencing the same problem? Its very frustrating. Do we need a more up-to-date video codec?
Im no have expiriences with play video from NAS but i think this is problem with cache video on box maybe is to small and box no have time to download all.
Im no have expiriences with play video from NAS but i think this is problem with cache video on box maybe is to small and box no have time to download all.
Thanks for the reply. I think your correct. Can I increase the cache size? Is there an element value in an xml file that I can change or something?
Thanks for the reply. I think your correct. Can I increase the cache size? Is there an element value in an xml file that I can change or something?

Linux sets cache size as big as it needs/is possible. Make bigger SWAP (I'm using on Duo 256 MB USB SWAP)
Upgrade your lan to gigabit. I usually view 33gb HD mkv s without any freeze
I've got 200mb powerline plugs between my nas and my ultimo and PC . My PC never skips when streaming 720p video from my nas. I don't think upgrading to 500mb powerlines would make much difference?
@Emortal : Did you try Telnet "free" command to see, if you really need bigger Swap? Because Swapping needs time and can slow down system performance.
Try to switch to some FTA radio channel before streaming.
Try to copy your file and play it from internal HDD.
@Emortal : Did you try Telnet "free" command to see, if you really need bigger Swap? Because Swapping needs time and can slow down system performance.
Try to switch to some FTA radio channel before streaming.
Try to copy your file and play it from internal HDD.

Thanks. I checked the free RAM and there's no need for me for bigger SWAP. The file plays perfect on my internal harddrive also so it must be a network problem. So I connected Cat cable directly from my Ultimo to my router and played the file from my NAS. It played perfectly again.
The problem must be my powerline LAN :(. I don't understand this though as my poweline bandwidth speed reads 128Mbs/s???? I taught this would be plenty fast for 720p .mkv files???
...The problem must be my powerline LAN :(. I don't understand this though as my poweline bandwidth speed reads 128Mbs/s????...

It's an adapter to adapter speed. Not all network. HomePlug AV offers a peak data rate of 200 Mbs at the physical layer, and about 80 Mbs at the MAC layer.
Just search on web for "powerline speed test".