Stream TV Plugin


Vu+ Newbie
I have seen some threads on the StreamTV plugin - however I have not seen how to get an actual stream to work! I have tried accessing all the default streams and none work. Is there something else that needs to be enabled?

Firstly there is the stream.xml file located under /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/StreamTV - I have a VU+ Ultimo.

Is there an XML schema or alternatively a DTD that dictates the format of the data within the file as it is unclear what the URI value should be?

Am trying to access a stream - but it is an embedded flash component on a website and hence to actually determine the stream value it is very difficult. I could use Wireshark - but thought I'd ask before going any further. Any ideas on how to determine the stream URI?

Many thanks for any help and great job by the way to the Blackhole team.
