Streaming from VU+ Duo 1.7.2


Vu+ Newbie
I have a VU+ DUO with BH 17.2. on it.
Just updated yesterday, but when I stream from it over net internet, it is "lagging".

My internet connection at home is a fiber: 30/30 Mbit/s
And at work 100/100 Mbit/s.

I have made a DMZ-zone to the VU+ DUO box in my router at home.
It is cable and not wifi...

Can some one help me, with what is wrong ?
Just find out, I have the same problem when I'm home... not I stream something I have record ed, only live TV...
What can be the problem ?
Depending on what's running on your box, you might miss memory, have you tried validating swap file ?

My 2 cents, Pilou.
Wish everything could be done through the "menu" key but on BH 1.7.3 : Blue > Blue > Swap File settings (got 32 MB and even if I got an Ultimo with more ram, it is used).
Confirming you don't have one active. I am not using the same skin (no cross on EclipseHD) but should activate it pressing red key, locate it on hdd with a min size of 32 MB walking in the menu. Not so sure it will solve your issue, discovered this morning that is was XEPG that was requesting swap.