Request Subtitles on recordings


Vu+ Newbie

Is it possible to save the subtitles for recoded films/tv shows so when they are played back they can be shown

If this feature is not currently available can it make it onto the wish list please
I think they are already in recording - when you olay recording just switch them on on subtitle button like on regular Chanel.

Thanks for replying

I checked some other recordings and its not saving them , is there some advanced setting I'm missing?
If you mean that a previous chosen subtitle is displayed automaticly the next time you play it, then the answer is no.
Black Hole hasn`t got that feature, you always have to choose it manualy.


What I mean is that when I watch, say a reordered film done over night, that is from a UK channel. I press the subtitles key and I get the red error icon. There is also no feature to enable this through the audio menu.

What I'm asking is, if I'm not missing an option that already available, can I get this feature added to the future development 'wish list' as having subtitles available are a real benefit to me.
But you`ve to understand that not every movie is broadcasted with subtitles, if they do they`re available.
But for recordings only with: audio button, yellow button.

Appreciate that, the recordings I'm looking at carry subtitles.

In fact the subtitles that run when watching the film live are great an very well implemented by the VU BH driver
But you`ve to understand that not every movie is broadcasted with subtitles, if they do they`re available.
But for recordings only with: audio button, yellow button.


Got it working

Your post gave me a clue

The subtitles remote button on the top row of the RC doesn't work

But if you go the long way through the audio menu they appear!

...that's a bit 'non intuitive' isn't it ;-)

Can this be feed back to the BH devs to change please, as bugs go its not critical but it's damn annoying

Thanks for the pointer anyway, appreciate your time

Subtitles button on top row works fine for live shows/films, but when playing back recorded shows/films the only way to bring up subtitles is a mult-key press through the audio menu.

The same short-cut available using the subtitles button when viewing a live feed /should/ also be made available when viewing recorded content.

Subtitles button on top row works fine for live shows/films, but when playing back recorded shows/films the only way to bring up subtitles is a mult-key press through the audio menu.

The same short-cut available using the subtitles button when viewing a live feed /should/ also be made available when viewing recorded content.

Agree, by the way It works fine in my Solo, but not in Duo??!
Are there any keymap files in the media viewer plugin folder (I *think* that's the thing that's used to view recordings anyway) : /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/

I'm not near to my Vu at the moment so I can't check right now, I'll have a dig later myself too
Are there any keymap files in the media viewer plugin folder (I *think* that's the thing that's used to view recordings anyway) : /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/

I'm not near to my Vu at the moment so I can't check right now, I'll have a dig later myself too

I cannot find any differences at all in any keymap.xml files on the two boxes. I have checked the all.
Agreed, it's not something obvious. I was hoping that by posting as a request we might see it altered as part of a future update, fingers crossed :)