Sudden problem with a DVB-S2 card !!


Vu+ Newbie

I have a system including around 50 VU+ Ultimo all flashed with Blackhole (each one has one DVB-S2 and one DVB-T card in it).
All working fine since few months and then few weeks ago one of the VU+ was no more able to tune on SAT channels. After checking wiring and antenna I noticed that in setup of S2 card I had no more any setup for each port (A/B/C/D, I use Disecq in that system) that were displayed as Non Configured and unable to change it ! All other settings were still fine.
I thought the S2 card was dead and so I changed it but with new one I have exactly the same problem. I can configure the DiSecq mode, and all other settings out of each port. It appeared suddenly and have no idea what can do that :(
Just in case I include screenshot of typical config of my VU+ in that system !
Thanks for help,

Well, just to have some other info, I'd use the last version of BH (that's now at 3.0.5D) and, even better, a different image, like OBH 4.1.
This way you can exclude software problems.
Well, just to have some other info, I'd use the last version of BH (that's now at 3.0.5D) and, even better, a different image, like OBH 4.1.
This way you can exclude software problems.
Unhappy the update solution is impossible right now as I can't access customer site and all other 49 VU+ on that site exhibited absolutely no problem since 4 months that I have flashed them with that !!