Swap file question


Vu+ Newbie
(don't know how my first thread ended up in Italian section, apologies for that, here's a copy)

Question is fairly simple - why creation of swap file is not allowed in flash memory and only external media is enabled (HDD, USB). As we saw with one of the tests, flash memory lifetime or (re)write time should not be an issue (link provided below, with 4 years old model of Sony USB stick). Also, is this limitation imposed by E2 or BH image can override it?

This question is not related to any problems, lack of memory in general or anything, just a general question as to why not using likely the fastest available storage on the system for the task, with interface to the system much faster than ones on common standards (SATA, eSATA or even worse USBx).

When my box is fully loaded, flash is in use 45%, so I have almost 100Mb free of fast storage sitting unused, why not allow creation of 32Mb of swap file if desired? Or even 64Mb?

Have you tried the common ways how its done in linux 2.6? maybe the busybox manual can help in formatting the right commands as vu+ telnet reacts slightly different then common linux. As far as I can see it should be possible but don't know if it will work without a mountpoint or if it is possible to make a mountpoint on flash. Have a look at \bin\.Bhautoswap and \bin\bhmount for examples how a usb swap is created and used.

I do feel a warning is in place here, you MAY end up with broken flash. Use at your own risk!