Swap file


Vu+ User
My question is:
is it necessary to have to create a Swap-file on my hdd and
if so what size shall I have to give it and
how do I have to create the file??

Thanks in advance,
It is not necessary but it will make no harm having it enabled. Instead, it will help you if ever needed more memory during a process...

To my opinion, it is better to have it on a usb stick. 128Mb is enough (this is my swap and never faced a problem with it) but you can go for the 256Mb option too...
Go [Blue] --> [Blue] --> Swap File Settings to create it and enable it. In the same panel, check "Enable swap at startup" to have it always enabled after a restart...

Then, in [Blue] --> [Yellow] --> [Red} you can check the global available memory...