Teletext not working in Black Hole 2.1.1

teletext is working fine in 2.1.1, so you must have used a backup or installed something that is not compatible and caused a corruption.
I have new installation, just some settings imported, not full (only minimum). If it is problem with some setting, it could be corrected. I have not imported any binary files. Every plugin was installed.
I try it again this evening/night. I give you info.
I tried new instalation and I confirm, that problem is only with my config. BH211 is working without problem.
Sorry BH team, my mistake.
Now I am researching which component/configuration item is causing this strange behaviour.
I give result later.
Aaah, problem was with my custom keymap.xml
Since BH211 are included keys for TTX navigation in keymap.xml. In previous versions it was in other place.
I make only for changes (up/down, P+/P-) but I uploaded to vu+ incorrect one. Now I checked changes twice :) and it works correctly (also with my customization).
Other imported changes working without problem.
"included **** for TTX" **** = k e y s = it means on remote (k e y c o d e)
<map context="TeletextActions">
        <key id="KEY_RIGHT" mapto="nextSubPage" flags="m" />
Hi All. I've installed BH 2.1.1 on a brand new VU+ SOLO2, so no upgrade or configuration merge involved. Teletext doesn't work: when you press the txt button the teletext screen comes up but data are never populated.

I have seen there's no teletext installed between extensions: if you try to install it it just fails.

Moreover, there's no mention of teletext in opkg dbase (update, upgrade already performed ...)

root@vusolo2:/etc# opkg list|grep teletext

enigma2-plugin-extensions-orfteletext - experimental-git20110215-r10-bh2 - enigma2-plugins version experimental-git20110215-r10-bh2


root@vusolo2:/etc# opkg list-installed|grep tuxtxt
libtuxtxt0 - 1.0-r5
libtuxtxt32bpp0 - 1.0-r3

Any Idea ?

I'm very satisfied with BH2.1.1: just this little lack.