Terminology - Channels listing


Vu+ Newbie
I am new user of linux based boxes although I have used sat boxes for more than 15 years. I have recently bought a SOLO SE and I read with very interest the posts in your forum. I understand most of them but I still have some silly newbie terminology questions such as:
- Definition and differences of terms such as Plugins - addons (whats the difference between these two). For me looks the same ?
- Feeds: I suppose a prescan channels list which are updated frequently and sorted by provider etc. Why use them if I can scan channels directly from my box (I suppose it is slower) but isn't that only. Once I tried to install on of these my box messed up. The second port in my antenna was not recognized.
- Skins / Picons ( I suppose custom made skins and icons for the box and the channels )

Channels listing : I access the channels of my solose (Hotbird/Astra) by pressing the down central key , then by provider, by service etc. I find it very difficult to reach the middle of a 3000 channels listing to select a channel. In old boxes channels were listed by numbers or could be sorted alphabetically, could be distinguished by FTA or Encrypted, Radio, Data etc, make many different favorabl lists, searched by typing letters etc. How can I get this functionality in my new receiver. Do I need a skin a plugin an addon a feed or ... what ???

I know that all these are simple things for advanced users but I would like to reed more about all these items.
Suggestion of links are welcome. Thank you for your time.
Found this but it looks a bit complicated /board/threads/howto-dreamset-make-your-own-channel-list.7133/