The ZAP command did not receive the normal 0


Vu+ Newbie
Hi guys. Since some time I have this issue. When doing ZAP command on TV channels from satellite lists I receive this error: "The ZAP command did not receive the normal 0 returncode from the Dreambox" . Box switches to the channel at the end with delay of few seconds. This error appears ONLY on channels I have not in my bouquets. When I do the ZAP on channel that is added to any of bouquets - it switches immediately without any error. Any help appreciated. If it helps - after zap to the "problematic" channel, I guess my box switches to radio mode? - pressing list of channels shows me my radio bouquets. This started after I upgraded from 2.0.9 to 2.1.5. Thanks.
Thanks. Any, even small idea which setting can be responsible for this issue? Why ZAP command throws error on channels not in bouquets and switch VU to radio mode? Is there any additional parameter on channels in favourites? Trying to get the difference why it is working well on favourites and not on those in sat lists.
Thanks. Any, even small idea which setting can be responsible for this issue? Why ZAP command throws error on channels not in bouquets and switch VU to radio mode? Is there any additional parameter on channels in favourites? Trying to get the difference why it is working well on favourites and not on those in sat lists.

Use dreamboxedit program for PC to upload,download end edit bouquets.

Dreamboxedit will find all errors in your list.
Are you using your own channel list or someone else's?
When you checked, in dreamboxedit, did you try sorting the channels, by TV, Radio, and data? Did you notice if any of them were duplicated, in the various sections?
My own. I do have like 30 satellites scanned and few bouquets. Sorting in dreamboxedit works fine TV/Radio/HD etc, no duplicates. Also type of the programmes is OK (1, 25 for TV and 2 for radio). There must be some wrong setting which forces box to switch to radio mode when zapping TV's from software - and this does not occur when the programme is added to any bouquet.
So I did first factory reset, then new clean flash of BH2.1.7, setup one satellite, scan. With number of services like 1800 - ZAP command worked without any error - but the BOX still switches to radio mode! After I added additional satellites (number of services cca 12000) - error is back.

I guess the ZAP error is related to timeout, when the number of services is high, box cannnot find it quick. Question is - why it switches to radio mode when I do ZAP on channels not in any bouquet and acts normally when I ZAP channels in any bouquet.