Thinking of buying a Solo4K - complete novice to Enigma 2 boxes.


Vu+ Newbie
Hi there,

I have no knowledge of E2 boxes and would be really grateful for some general advice before I buy one.

I am currently running TVHeadend on a headless Linux server, with three PCIe tuners ( a dual DVB-T and a single DVB-S2, connected to a minidish at 28.2e). I view all my recordings via a number or Raspberry Pis on my network, all running Libreelec.

I recently made the decision that I wanted to do the following:

1. Add more tuners as I was often getting clashes with simultaneous recordings and users watching live TV.
2. Go completely with DVB-S2, due its better quality.
3. Add a second motorised dish to see what else was out there.
4. Have a system that was stable and easy enough to use that my wife would be able to just watch TV without my having to intervene all the time.

I spent ages trying to find some way of adding this to my current setup but kept running into different problems - e.g. some devices wouldn't work with USALS, some devices were unstable with Linux etc.

Eventually, someone just asked why I didn't just get an E2 box instead.

From what I have read, it seems the obvious choice - a dedicated and purpose built machine that would just do everything I want above.

I think I have settled on a Solo4K as it seems to offer so much but I have a few questions that I hope you guys might be able to help me with:

1. Generally - what is the experience like, watching TV via one of these devices as opposed to via a Raspberry Pi, linked up to a TV tuner? I think I have only just scratched the surface in terms of what an E2 box can offer - PiP, upscaling etc.

2. Is the Solo4K a good fit for what I am after?

3. I see that the Solo4K uses a 2.5" HDD. Are there any, in particular, that are recommended for use with it? I assume that some are quieter/more reliable/cooler/better for DVR than others.

4. I love the fact that the Solo4K uses FBC. What type of LNB would I need to buy to use this? I assume that a regular octo-unicable LNB would not be sufficient.

Many thanks in advance.
Hi there,

1. Generally - what is the experience like, watching TV via one of these devices as opposed to via a Raspberry Pi, linked up to a TV tuner? I think I have only just scratched the surface in terms of what an E2 box can offer - PiP, upscaling etc.

A: I don't think thre are many users with both, but maybe I'm wrong ;) It's already not so common to meet people who uses a VU+ or another E2 box (the majority uses SKY boxes or the like). Rasperry, then...

So A AND B means %(A) x %(B) ;)

2. Is the Solo4K a good fit for what I am after?

A: Definitely

3. I see that the Solo4K uses a 2.5" HDD. Are there any, in particular, that are recommended for use with it? I assume that some are quieter/more reliable/cooler/better for DVR than others.

A: Whatever, don't worry.

4. I love the fact that the Solo4K uses FBC. What type of LNB would I need to buy to use this? I assume that a regular octo-unicable LNB would not be sufficient.

A: It depends on how many recordings you want. In my case a 4 channel SCR has never saturated my needs, even because there are many channels on the same transponder: so the limit is not easily to calculate. The maximum of E2 is 16.
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Thank you for that.

FCB technology is still blowing my mind and I am having to keep reading how it works to consider its applications.

As far as I can see, a regular single LNB connected to one of the 4k's FCB tuners will allow you to connect to any four transponders at any one time.

Change that LNB to a regular quad unicable and you can then connect to 16 transponders, regardless of which band they are on.

I have just been looking at 28.2e (which will be my main satellite) on Kingofsat, and taking into account lots of transponders are full of non-FTA channels and the way certain channels are clumped together on the same transponder, I totally agree that using a single unicable with just one of the tuners would mean that it would be very unlikely that I would ever run out of tuners.

I think that I might use the second FBC tuner with the rotor.

Out of interest - I note that you have both the Duo2 and the Solo4k - do you use both or have you just not gotten around to selling the Duo 2?
Thank you for that.

Out of interest - I note that you have both the Duo2 and the Solo4k - do you use both or have you just not gotten around to selling the Duo 2?

No, I presented my dad with the Duo2 when I switched to Solo 4K. And, besides, it wouldn't be cheap to sell to you from Italy if you live in UK or somewhere about ;)