Timeshift not working


Vu+ Newbie
When I push the stop button to stop a running programm, I get the message "timeshift not possible". Where can I search to repair this fault?
I am using a VU+ Solo SE with a connected harddisk of 2 GB.
Thank you for answering!
When I push the stop button to stop a running programm, I get the message "timeshift not possible". Where can I search to repair this fault?
I am using a VU+ Solo SE with a connected harddisk of 2 GB.
Thank you for answering!

Is your HD only 2 GB or 2 TB, if its the 1st that is too little in my opinion.
if the 2nd , did you mounted it and made a movie path to it.
Thanks for your hint.
The HDD has 2 TB and the path is set to /media/hdd/. I find the path a bit strange shoul it not be /media/hdd/movie/?

The HDD it is almost full. Is there a minimum space on the HDD that is required for the timeshift to work properly?
The path is not good or HDD is completely full.

You can assign Timeshift location in Menu>>System>>Recording paths>>Timeshift location
(default is /media/hdd/
But I believe that your HDD is a problem.

Can you record on HDD ??
Yes, I can record single films on the HDD. But there is only place of about 10 GB (=0%) out of 2 TB total disk space.
The system let me not edit the path of timeshift but instaed warns me that there might be not enough space on the HDD.
So I think you are right that the real problem is: the HDD is too full.

Thank you for your help!!
Never ever use an HDD almost full, particularly if you are using a PVR! A single recording might get over 10Gb that, as you reported, is less than 1% of your HDD? What for?
A HDD full means a lot of reading-rewriting from the same sectors, also. Not good.
I use a NAS to store the videos and other material I like to preserve. But the HDD is almost empty.