Timezone / daylight saving problem

Petter Blomberg

Vu+ Newbie
I have been using BH 1.7.8 for a long time but since daylight saving time started this spring I have had a problem. If I set the timezone correctly to GMT+1 the clock is not correct but the EPG is correct, if I set the timezone to GMT the clock will be correct but the EPG will be one hour off. In either case it becomes very difficult to schedule recordings.

I read that there was supposed to be a fix in 2.0.1 so yesterday I upgraded to 2.0.4. and to my disappointment I still have the same problem.

Is there something that I have missed wrt configuring the box or did the old bug come back between 2.0.1 and 2.0.4?
It seems that I was too quick to complain. It works if I set the time zone to GMT (in menu > setup > system > timezone) instead of GMT+1 which would be the correct time zone.
I am having the same problem! I am having it since the spring started. I have set the timezone to GMT and it has not worked! Any ideas?
If no help setup in menu.
Maybe help you reboot on chanell who send good time try look for this chanell and next reboot box.