Request Transcoding help needed, step by step please


Vu+ Newbie
Hello everyone
I have searched every forum that I could and still cannot get the transcoding function on my VU+ Duo 2 to work.
I have set the port forwarding on ports 80, 8001, 8002 correctly I think.
I have a dyndns account and can connect to my synology server from outside my network no problem, but for 2 weeks I have been trying to connect to my VU+ with no success.
I really hope someone can put me out of my misery, as I must be doing something wrong.
Thanks and hope in advance

open webif.jpg open wibif pc.PNG open wibif pc2.JPG Transcoding setup.jpg
I would like to get it working also...Tried every settings....Stream (8001) is working but not Transcoding (8002)..
Well its been a while and since I had no reply last time I thought that I would give it another go.
I have managed to view bouquets outside my network but with limited success using the VU player

I am using VU+Dou2 with black hole.
I have dyndns account and connect to the box through **** and using port that has been changed from 80.
If I try to change to **** I get nothing 8001 give nothing either, only the port changed ffrom 80 works
ports 8001 & 8002 are forwarded to the receiver ip as is the port I changed from 80

Also on webif I can only watch the channel the receiver is on

I know I am close, c'mon people give me a little help pls
I have not tested 3.0.1 3.0.1c 2.1.7 and none of them has the transcoding button in the GUI.
You need to go back to 2.1.6 to make it work.