Transcoding with 3.0.2 and Duo2


Vu+ Newbie

How do I make this work? There is no 'enable' in the settings for Transcoding, and there is only one icon in the webif.

Bump, I'd like to know this too, not sure where this stopped working, but I've just installed 3.0.2 G, and no icon appears in the webif
Do you not have to set transcoding in the main menu system settings menu? What icons do you have in webif and what is it you wish to achieve?
There is Main Menu > plugins > transcoding setup. Newer version of BH dont have an enable option in this menu anymore. Do you know of any other place it needs to be enabled?

Older versions of BH used to have 2 icons next to each channel in the webif. Once to stream the TS and one to stream a transcoded option. Now, only the TS option is present. Had the problem on 3.0.2 F and is still the same on 3.0.2 G. Not sure when this stopped working, as I've not tried to use it for a while.

My main objective is to set up streaming to a chomecast, wthout using an external transcoding server as the VU+ Duo 2 should (and was) capable of transcoding itself.
Well, I attempted to use the transcoding option but like you in the webif there is only one icon which as you state is for the TS stream. I've tried everything I can to get the transcoding working but can't?