trouble with usb on bh 1.5.1


Vu+ User
Cant get a usb memory stick mounted on 1.5.1 image.The stick formats ok and using mountpoints mounts ok,but when I reboot to save the settings the vuduo gets stuck on reading the usb. usb plugged in rear port.

Regards jrbmw
Use USB stick only FAT32 formated on your PC
and not formated in Black Hole Devices Manager
You make only mount with Devices Manager.
This USB stick you can use only for Picon,CrossEpg,backup etc
but not for Multiboot images.

If you still have problems then you have to try another USB stick
I have used the usb stick for meoboot on previous bh images with no problems.Thanks for the useful info, will now install meoboot on the hdd

Regards jrbmw