M Marian Jeng Vu+ Newbie Aug 3, 2015 #1 I just wanted to know if i can ask how to install Tspannel and Tsmedia onto my VU Zero box please if this question is not allow then i do apologies
I just wanted to know if i can ask how to install Tspannel and Tsmedia onto my VU Zero box please if this question is not allow then i do apologies
Pyromon BH Lover Aug 3, 2015 #2 Sorry . ******* is an Illegal Stuff. Not allowed here. Please Read the Board Rules->http://www.vuplus-community.net/rules.html Pyromon
Sorry . ******* is an Illegal Stuff. Not allowed here. Please Read the Board Rules->http://www.vuplus-community.net/rules.html Pyromon
Pyromon BH Lover Aug 3, 2015 #4 Tsmedia you can install about folder /tmp . Here the ipk. http://www.vuplus-community.net/boa...plugin-extensions-tsmedia_10-5_all-ipk.22695/
Tsmedia you can install about folder /tmp . Here the ipk. http://www.vuplus-community.net/boa...plugin-extensions-tsmedia_10-5_all-ipk.22695/