I have a question regarding tuner configuration. I've had a Vu+ Duo box for many years now. An engineer came and installed a motorised dish on my roof and set up the box. Since then I've re-flashed the box many times and have configured the tuners like they were before, using USALS and putting in my longlat coords.
It all works fine, but I was tweaking the longitude value a little bit and 19.2e came in a little stronger, so I was tweaking more an more, i got it to 80% signal strength when it was on 50% strength on my default set up.
Oddly, 16.0e which I didn't receive now comes in. Now the value that I'm changing it to before 16.0e comes in is huge (from 58.010 to 68.010)
I'm probably doing something wrong during the setup. I never move the dish manually or reset it manually when I flash an image as I just imagine because the dish has been set up properly in the first place, the motor knows where it is and so will the box.
I'm just trying to understand a bit more about how it works as it seems strange to me that changing the longitude value by such an extreme amount would do anything useful.
Here's hoping someone can explain it, or point out the obvious mistake I'm making/overlooking.
It all works fine, but I was tweaking the longitude value a little bit and 19.2e came in a little stronger, so I was tweaking more an more, i got it to 80% signal strength when it was on 50% strength on my default set up.
Oddly, 16.0e which I didn't receive now comes in. Now the value that I'm changing it to before 16.0e comes in is huge (from 58.010 to 68.010)
I'm probably doing something wrong during the setup. I never move the dish manually or reset it manually when I flash an image as I just imagine because the dish has been set up properly in the first place, the motor knows where it is and so will the box.
I'm just trying to understand a bit more about how it works as it seems strange to me that changing the longitude value by such an extreme amount would do anything useful.
Here's hoping someone can explain it, or point out the obvious mistake I'm making/overlooking.