Tuner Server OBH


Vu+ Newbie
Shiro give us the github plugin:


But, someone knows how to install it in OBH?
Server Tuner functon is not found ont the new Open Black Hole image v0.1.
How can I stream from my VU+ Duo2 boxes to my VU+ Zero box?
I have Open Blackhole imgae v0.1 on both DUO2 and Zero.
I just want to get up a favourite list and just play the channel easily like on the Duo2 box.
What is the easiest way instead of do mounting and use mediaplayer etc?
It has to be a smart way.
Please respond asap.
I need this function from Duo2 unto several Zero boxes also with Open BH v0.1.
Can someone make a picture visual guide for this to work so Zero boxes can stream live channels from the other rooms.
I have the following but dont know how to install it it has been used on openvix in gemini images
so should be able to work on open-blackhole.

how would one install this to what folder location and how to activate anyone point me in right direction please

Many Thanx in Advance



I have the following but dont know how to install it it has been used on openvix in gemini images
so should be able to work on open-blackhole.

how would one install this to what folder location and how to activate anyone point me in right direction please

Many Thanx in Advance

this is great working perfectly :dance:

Here is the installer
Ftp the tgz file to your STB to /tmp/ directory
Using your RCU ( remote control unity )


Scroll down until you found ---> Manual Install BH Packages

Press <Ok>

Restart Enigma

To configure upon restarted

Use your RCU

Press <GREEN> and choose <BH_Tuner-Server> and <OK>


Best regards


Last edited:
thanx , now see the new Dlna server thats in blackhole apps is this replcment for mediatomb or do i need to install htis still to upnp tuner server

Many Thanx In advance

Here is the installer
Ftp the tgz file to your STB to /tmp/ directory
Using your RCU ( remote control unity )


Scroll down until you found ---> Manual Install BH Packages

Press <Ok>

Restart Enigma

To configure upon restarted

Use your RCU

Press <GREEN> and choose <BH_Tuner-Server> and <OK>


Best regards

don't work

crash vu+zero OPH


Hi my friends! Tuner Server in OBH only works with the channel I've selected in my vu+ solo2 at the streaming moment? If I select any other channel than the one I've selected in this moment in the vu+ solo2 it doesn't work (it doesn't 'change' to other channel)

And it also doesn't work with the vu+ solo2 in standbye ¿?

Thanks a lot in advance. Regards!