Tuner Server Plugin for OBH ¿?


Vu+ User
I used often the Tunner Server in a Vu+ Solo2 with Black Hole image in order to stream to a Samsung TV with IPTV plugin... and it works so well. I was able to charge a .m3u channels list, and I was able to select any vu+ solo2 channel, in order to stream it to the TV... and it worked like a charm.

But trying to do the same with OBH 1.0 I've found some issues. I've installed the Tunner Server I found in this thread: http://www.vuplus-community.net/board/threads/tuner-server-obh.23176/#post-175879

1. First of all, the vu+ solo2 with OBH 1.0 has to be UP and running (not in standby). If it's not UP, I cannot get streamed any channel to the TV.

2. And It only works with the channel I've already selected and running in the vu+ solo2. If I select any other channel than the one I've selected in this moment in the vu+ solo2 it doesn't work.

Anyone here would help me please? Thanks a lot in advance. Regards!