Tuner server ps3 2.1.4


Vu+ Newbie

I am trying to get tuner server working to ps3. I have enabled mediatomp and then building tuner server. I get only a empty folder media\hdd\tuner
I have two favorites list on the duo2 with 2.1.4?
I have seen the same question before, but no solutions to it?
Somebody have an ide? all other folders are working to ps3, so it is the building that goes wrong.
It seems the problem is the default favorit bouqet. You can add new ones but they will also not show.
But if you copy the original one to a new one, and then delete the original one. The new one gets build and I could finaly steam to ps3.
The wierd stuff is that the deleted one is still present on the box, just empthy? So it must been some setting issue on default bouqet.