tuning problem


Vu+ Newbie
I have vu+ solo2 running black hole 3.0.1 After i updatet the image i get some tuning problems. Some channels shows no signal when preffered tuner is set to auto. When i serach for channels both tuners find exactly the same ammount if channels. i have replaced diseq and cables but the problem is still there. i neverr had this problem with bh 2.1.7. if i change preffered tuner to a for example the picture shows,but if i change to tuner b i get no signal and vice versa
I don't have any issue with BH 3.0.1, it works great except youtube
I guess your LNB is not configured correctly in Blackhole
Check your SAT setting : menu -> setup - > service searching - > tuner configuration - > enter (see picture below)
Notice port A, port B. Port A (hotbird) is leftmost when you standing behind. see my post here about it


Lnb is correct configured, i have 0,8w port a and 4,9e port b on both tuners. Changed to new diseq's and new cables, but when preffered tuner is set to auto the tuner does not find channels on tuner b. When i search for channels manually on tuner b it finds exactly the same channels that tuner a finds