TV / Radio toggle


Vu+ Newbie
Hi guys,
I am using a universal remote without TV and Radio buttons. I would like to set the yellow button using the Multibutton plugin, to toggle between the tv and radio, but there is no tv /radio toggle function in the Multibutton to add it to the yellow.

Another option could be to have a Radio/TV menu item in the main menu of the VU+, but also cannot find something anywhere in the menu and submenus.

I am on VU UNO 4K.
You could create a bouquet named RADIO to collect only radio channels in it and then choose it as every else bouquet. It is not "direct" as a button but you need no multibutton plugin (I gave up with these plugins because they alter main functions of the BH).
This way, in a sense, offers an advantage, though: you can recall the radio channels stored in the bouquet directly by their numbers.