TV3 Norge (TV3 Norway) on 4,9 E


Vu+ Newbie

I'm not sure if this is the right thread as i don't know if this is a hardware or a software problem, but I'll try here anyway. So here goes.

Can someone tell me why I can't find TV3 Norge and Viasat 4 (SD-channels) on 4,9 E on my VU+ SE V2 with BlackHole 3.0.4?

I also have a DM8000 with an old Gemini 3 oe 1.6 image where I have no problem finding the channels.

I have tried copying Satellites.xml from my DM8000 to my VU+ and changed sattellite from 4,9 to 4,8 E (Sirius) which is used in that image. After that I did a channel search, but still no luck.

The frequency on my DM8000 is:
TV3 Norge, 12054 V, Symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4
Viasat 4, 11977 V, Symbol rate 27500, FEC 5/6

I also did manual search with the settings above, but still no luck.

Hi x10an.

Thank you for your answer.

This is however not the solution as both DM8000 and VU+ SOLO SE V2 are HD boxes.

The signal must be there as I can receive the channels with DM8000 connected to the same Inverto Black Ultra LNB as the VU. However my VU can't receive these channels for some reason.

Hi again.

Now I'm ready to were right and I was wrong.

Had my wife watching tv on the DM8000 yesterday when updating my channel lists on the VU. So I looked through my channel list on the DM and still had the channels, but didn't actually zap to them.

Today when I got my hands on the DM and started zapping channels...gone.

So I apologise for questioning your answer.
