TXT subtitles fix skin default BH for test


Fix readability for TXT subtitles

For test fix for TXT subtitles with skin default

ONLY for skin default BH

Copy skin.xml to /usr/share/enigma2

restart box or enigma2



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I updated BH online yesterady and I want to inform that selected font (subtitles.ttf) for srt subtitles lacks Polish national characters (at least most of them aren't displayed at all). SRT file is UTF8 of course and after changing skin font to regular it is all ok.

Anyway the new font seems to be better for srt subtutles.
I updated BH online yesterady and I want to inform that selected font for srt subtitles lacks Polish national characters (at least most of them aren't displayed at all). SRT file is UTF8 of course and after changing skin font to regular it is all ok.

Anyway the new font seems to be better for srt subtutles.

Font may not have the support of the Polish letters not tested
But there is nothing I can change
because these are one of the best fonts for subtitles used for and on TV.

Do you have a good subtitles on the Polish TV channels ???
Dvb subtitles are ok. I tested this font under Windows and there are no polish characters in deed.

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