Ultimo4K interaction with computer


Vu+ Newbie
Greetings to all Administrators, Moderators and other Members of Vuplus Community: you are doing a precious job!

Problem (basic data: Ultimo 4K with internal 3T Hard disk, BH 3.0.8):

I used to read/write/edit the internal flash memory and Hard Disk containing all my music/pictures /videos, accessing to it directly from an icon on the computer’s desktop, in WiFi. So I could, e.g., record on Ultimo a movie, transfer it into the computer, edit it with a video editor (e.g. removing ads and converting) and moving it back to my movies library, or load from the computer edited movies recorded on another device, or folders of pictures, etc., just like on any USB external memory.

Due to problems with the computer’s main HDD I had to replace it with a new SDD and at the same time switched from Windows 7 Pro to Windows 10 Pro. Since then I could not access the HDD of Ultimo 4K anymore, though the computer does “see” it and interacts with it in E-Channelizer, reading/writing channel lists and bouquets, streaming the services, etc., and it appears with its IP etc. among other 5 or 6 devices connected within the domestic WiFi network.

Anybody had a similar experience and might help? Or is there a step-by-step guide I can consult? Thank you in advance for your advice.

The simplest way to transfer from or to VU, is a FTP client, like Filezilla, for example.
If you want to rely on such a messed OS like Windows for the simplest things you need, you'll get old ;)
Be sure that your firewall in windows is open for the box ip
In your Vu:
menu -> setup -> system -> Network -> connection -> Network Browser