Un foreseen problem on vu+ duo2


Vu+ Newbie
I just bought the obove from Germany to my surprise I found it had 2 twin plug gable tuners ,not the usual screw type where lnb cable is attached ,is there a blug which I can use or do I have to change the tuner to a screw on ,I hope I am in the right place and I hpoe my post is making any sense. Thanks for any help.


Vu+ Newbie
it sounds like you have order box with incorrect tuners,

the Vu Duo 2 is aavailable in different tuner configurations,
or mix of.

You will need to purchase additional tuner or request from supplier swap over existing tuner to correct one

Good Luck
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Vu+ Newbie
it sounds like you have order box with incorrect tuners,

the Vu Duo 2 is aavailable in different tuner configurations,
or mix of.

You will need to purchase additional tuner or request from supplier swap over existing tuner to correct one
Thank you Hamish for your reply do you know a code or a number which these tuners have, I ve seen some on the web which are original ones and are they easy to mount them? Again thanks for your help
Good Luck