Unable to connect


Vu+ Newbie
Guys up until yesterday I have been able to connect to my Vu+ Solo2 via DCC ..Name: root Password: left empty, this is how I have been connecting until today, I have also tried with VuCC and filezila still no joy, I am unable to connect via telnet also .I have unplugged router, laptop & box IP is still the same as it has always been so nothing has changed .. Any ideas please guys?

Thanks in advance Steve
I am using the latest BH image mate, I can connect to my box if I put the ip in the browers and see the Open webif panel..
restart your box and pc and try again.
If don't work try this:

menu, setup, software management, manage extensions
then go to system, select passwordchanger and install it.
You'll find it after reboot in menu, setup, system
then change your password

if telnet/ftp will not work after changing password - you have firewall problem
restart your box and pc and try again.
If don't work try this:

menu, setup, software management, manage extensions
then go to system, select passwordchanger and install it.
You'll find it after reboot in menu, setup, system
then change your password

if telnet/ftp will not work after changing password - you have firewall problem

By default into BH images, FTP and Telnet uses local box authentication and works both without password.