Unable to flash update Vu+ Duo2


Vu+ Newbie
I recently had a problem with BlackHole 2.1.4. on my Vu+ Duo2
I tried a new skin and all of a sudden it crashed, then restarted then continued crashing...restarting...then crashing again...never ending!

Tried to re-flash to 2.1.4. image again but Flashing only gets to 77% then 'Finished' shows on the display.
Tried the next image up - 2.1.5 - the same thing happens but Flashing only gets to 56%!

I thought it was my USB so tried another one...same result ... could I have a bad internal drive?
Any body come across this before?
Any ideas as I hope the box isn't screwed.

Thanks for any info
Skins that do not work and bootloop the box have been a problem for me
Telnet should still work unless the box has been partially flashed. There are two ways that I know to correct a bad skin install.
1. Copy and edit the settings file located in etc/enigma2. Remove the skin configuration from the settings file, then reload the file to the box.
2. Locate and delete the bad skin folder located in usr/share/enigma2

It is doubtful the flash is messed up in the box. You can connect to the rs232 port on the back of the receiver and record what is happening when the box stops. Posting the rs232 output may lead to a solution on fixing the flash without sending the box out for repair.
Thanks for the info and heads up.
I didn't need to do what you said in the end...and I was getting very worried that it would be a visit to a repair shop.
I'd read about issues using various memory sticks and in the end that WAS the issue - my large capacity, no brand and probably cheap 'bargain' memory stick....DOH!
Got myself a small (16gb) Scandisk memory stick and all went well....flashed beyond 56%, beyond 77% went to on to 100% and then forrmatted to 100%.

I've now got a system (Blackhole 2.1.4) that I'm restoring my personal settings to and within a couple of hrs tweaking, should all be well!
Happy Days.
Lesson learned ..... big style!
yes its scarry when things like that happen. I had the same trouble once when I was re-flashing. So I just use the same Cruzer Blade 4Gb USB stick just for flashing both my Duo`s never had trouble since