uno 4k led on no boot

Pedro C

Vu+ User

Bought me a second hand Uno 4k from another forum member still under warranty but on arrival and after connecting everything after power on the front led lights up but that's it. No booting and no signal at all so impossible to refllash. Before I send it back, should I try anything at all or is it totally bricked ??


Bought me a second hand Uno 4k from another forum member still under warranty but on arrival and after connecting everything after power on the front led lights up but that's it. No booting and no signal at all so impossible to refllash. Before I send it back, should I try anything at all or is it totally bricked ??

Yes, totally bricked, but..
I have a Vu+ Duo which had the same problem. Out of garantee I had it repaired and it is still working after 5 years.
I have a Vu+ Duo2 that had the same problem. Out of garantee I sent it for rapair. It came back but I could only flash it once. After standby it showed a white LED and would not start. It would not flash either.
Sent it back a second time and exactly the same happened. Flashed OK first time and that was it! The Vu+ Duo2 is now on the shelf afer I recovered the tuners and the Hard disk.
I have now bought a Vu+ Solo 4K that is working nicely.

I wonder why "another forum member" sold you his Uno 4K ? Perhaps he knew....???
a member from another forum. Not from this one. He must have flashed the box with a different firmware from another 4k box if that's at all possible.

I've already send the box back to him but I'm going bonkers here. He claims it was working fine before posting it and it had to be me who buggered it up which is a total lie !! It was dead from the minute I first switched it on.

Gave him call and got plenty of abuse but finally managed to convince him to send my money back. Let's hope he keeps his word as soon as he gets it back or it's no box and no dosh for me :eek: