uno 4k se

These kind of messages are not useful: saying you downloaded the file what does it means? You can't use it directly: did you unzip it? Did you follow the guides? How is it formatted the flash disk?
You said nothing. You must be very detailed in describing every steps you performed.
I downloaded the file (BlackHole 3.1.0 Multistream Vu + Uno4K SE) I unzipped them put on a fat32 usb key. I turned off the decoder, put the key and when I turn on the decoder nothing happens
It has to happen something... Should you carry the image you brought (is it a Uno 4K SE if new?).

Sometimes the box happens not recognizing the USB key... the smaller the capacity of the best USB key.
Only one flash stick is too few: many users formatting them by windows had to try many USB sticks before finding a good one.
By MacOs, no issue, simply choosing the "MSDOS" fat format.
Adimiting that MAC is better than Windows, I think we all know that most use the latter. Now this majority will not change to MAC...

So possible help for those who use Windows is to try to realize what will be wrong!
I need to specify, because:
1) fortunately, there aren't only windows users, but also millions and millions of mac users.
2) A Mac user might think they need compulsorily windows to prepare a FAT32 drive: instead, there isn't such limitation. On the contrary, MacOs is able to format in FAT32 even very large drives, whilst windows isn't (or at least, wasn't until some time ago: now I got purified by not having to even doing computer care to my clients: so I don't know if, incredibly, widows learned how to format in its own F.S. :D )
3) I also need to specify, because a thread might be read in the future by other users and it's important to provide a complete information, not only for the user who created the thread.
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Very simple with windows also.
Choose Format Fat32 and empty any labels
Now before start formating press the button "Restore device default"
Quickformat and all my Usb Memorystick so far works just fine