Update channel list - Astra 19.2E


Vu+ Newbie
Hello Friends,

is it possible to update the 'service list' or channel list without rescanning ?
I have VU+ SOLO BH 2.1.5
I downloaded an 'UPDATED' satellites.xml from satellites-xml.eu and from satellites-xml.org, and rescanned, both did not gave me the list: canal+/movistar+ was not there and BEIN also, any advice ?

I recovered the default list, found the old original list, but no more (example AMC channel is not there)

You can do a manual scan, which only takes a few seconds, or you can upload someone else's list, using a program like dreamboxedit, which also allows more editing options, than the VU+, or via the menu.
Personally I would just do a manual scan, selecting the option to clear before scan, check lyngsat, or kingofsat.