Updating domain name

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Vu+ Newbie
I'm in desperate need of help!!! And I'm not in the least technologically minded which is making this really impossible.
I have a Dreambox D800SE Blackhole. On Thursday I stopped receiving all channels apart from the ones you can get on Freeview. I e-mailed the guy I purchased the box from and this was his reply...

"Server is online but it looks like DyNDNS has thrown a wobbly at around 8pm Thursday and blocked some but not all domains affecting about 35% of lines, you may need to update the domain in use for the server to connect. There are a few new domains depending on what old one was in use. Only change the domain - the port, username, password and all other settings are unchanged."

I need to log in to the box using my IP address followed by :10001 but when I do so I can't get in to the box at all! It comes up with either 'cannot load page' or a bunch of google search results. I've also tried my IP address followed by :8888 with the same results. I'm getting no help from the guy I bought the box off. I am 100% sure I am using the correct IP address for my box.

'ALL' I need to do, according to this guy, is change the domain name from the old to new to get all my channels back. Are you able to help?

Thank you so much!!!
I'm in desperate need of help!!! And I'm not in the least technologically minded which is making this really impossible.
I have a Dreambox D800SE Blackhole. On Thursday I stopped receiving all channels apart from the ones you can get on Freeview. I e-mailed the guy I purchased the box from and this was his reply...

"Server is online but it looks like DyNDNS has thrown a wobbly at around 8pm Thursday and blocked some but not all domains affecting about 35% of lines, you may need to update the domain in use for the server to connect. There are a few new domains depending on what old one was in use. Only change the domain - the port, username, password and all other settings are unchanged."

I need to log in to the box using my IP address followed by :10001 but when I do so I can't get in to the box at all! It comes up with either 'cannot load page' or a bunch of google search results. I've also tried my IP address followed by :8888 with the same results. I'm getting no help from the guy I bought the box off. I am 100% sure I am using the correct IP address for my box.

'ALL' I need to do, according to this guy, is change the domain name from the old to new to get all my channels back. Are you able to help?

Thank you so much!!!

I would like to recommend you for reading carefully our board rules --> http://www.vuplus-community.net/rules.html

It´s not allowed here the support for any other STB´s rather than VUPLUS orginal STB´S.

1) - Read the forum rules.

2) - No support for clones.

3) - It´s not allowed the discussion of any order about illegal stuff, including the implementing of emulators.

best regards
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