Using DreamboxEdit Ver 6 on a Duo2


Vu+ User
I have been using Dreambox Edit Ver 6.0 for my Duo2 and it has been loading all my sat files to my computer but yesterday I decided to test Dreambox Edit to see if I can send back to the duo2 some changes in channel names but even after rebooting noting had changed on the Duo2.
I had a closer look at Dreambox Edit and I noticed where it says "FILE PATHS ON THE DREAMBOX"
I had.
1/ Services and Bouquets Files: /etc/Enigma2/
2/ User Bouquets Files : /etc/enigma2/
3/ Sat.XML file : etc/Tuxbox

Now I always thought that Sat xml files go into /var/etc. (possibly why the sat test name did not change.)
If the above three are incorrect can someone please give me the correct paths for the three above.
Also since I sent my Settings possibly to the wrong folders "example sat xml to /etc/tuxbox while I think that it should have gone to /var/etc can I manually delete them.
Do Not use capital letters for the file paths.
You have:
1/ Services and Bouquets Files: /etc/Enigma2/
2/ User Bouquets Files : /etc/enigma2/
3/ Sat.XML file : etc/Tuxbox

Correct path is:

1/ Services and Bouquets Files: /etc/enigma2/
2/ User Bouquets Files : /etc/enigma2/
3/ Sat.XML file : etc/tuxbox
I have a bad habit of putting capitals when they are not needed. I will try to alter a name of a channel in Dreambox edit and send it back to the box to see if it changes. (Ps only doing this to see that its sending and re writing the duo2. I would hate to crash the box and re-flash it only to find out my altered Sat xml files are no good at all) I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for the reply guys.
Right I have all the correct paths with no caps. I download all the Channel list files from the duo2 using dreambox edit 6.0, I change one channels name, I save it then send it back to the duo2, I reboot the duo2, and the name of the channel has not changed. . I have noticed reading the end of the log it says Re-loaded of Blacklist.

Also when i flashed the box from new with BH 2.1.0 I sent my sat.xml files to /var/etc/ Is this correct?
what am I doing wrong guys?
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I have a bad habit of putting capitals when they are not needed. I will try to alter a name of a channel in Dreambox edit and send it back to the box to see if it changes. (Ps only doing this to see that its sending and re writing the duo2. I would hate to crash the box and re-flash it only to find out my altered Sat xml files are no good at all) I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for the reply guys.

I am still having a problems changing channel name on my duo2 using Dreambox edit ver 6. All I'm doing is
1/ Upload all the channels
2/ click on the channel I want to test and change the channels name.
3/ I save it
4/ I send it back to the duo2 but the channel name is still the same as it was before I edited it.
5/ I exit out of dreambox Edit.
6/ I start Dreambox edit again and load the Channel list I saved a minute earlier and it has the altered channel name in it.

What am I doing wrong? why isn't it changing the details on the duo2. Is it write protected somewhere.
Again the reason why I'm doing this is to make sure I can write back to the box in case if I change the image or crash the duo2. It would be embarrassing to find out your backup on the computer is no good
How are you downloading all the channels? Are you using the File Fast FTP Download option?
Once saved are you then using the Fast FTP Upload option?
Now that I have my favourites made up and have the picon's parked next to the channel name I'm able to test and successfully change the name of the channel and then revert it back again. As for Download Yes It seems to be downloading Everything and all satellites accounted for. It was just strange that I could not change the name of the channel in the main page on the left hand side of dreambox Edit but it lets me change it in the favourires list. Have to work on this later.

As for fast FTP .NO I'm not using it I'm using just FTP.
Now for the next Head ache but i'm getting there.
Well since I'm using DreamboxEdit 6.0 for my picons I will keep this thread and use this thread for picon help.
Today I have selected 20 of my favourite TV Channels picons and have selected "A" picon for each but still have not been able to match the picon's to the Duo2 LCD after sending them accross.
In the Duo2 LCD4Linux plugin once the page is up I press BLUE (new page)and in this Option I have PICON on Screen 1, PICON 2 is TURNED OFF down the page.
Now in PICON Screen 1 the PICON path [OK] /usr/share/enigma2/piconlcd/
PICON Path 2 [OK] /media/usb/picon/ Is this Correct !!!!

My USB thumb drive is plugged into the Top socket rear It has been mounted to media/usb/ (no picon after the media/usb) and now I will give you my Dreambox edit settings for picon

In DreamboxEdit 6.0 under Options tab I have the "Path for Picons" : /media/usb/picon/ and a little lower down I have another path for picon called
"Local Picon directory" which is D:\ All Vuo duo2 Stuff\picons. I have sent them to the duo2 (I think they went to the duo2 this is another reason why I was previously testing that the channel list was going to the duo2) but still no picon's in my lcd screen even after re-booting.

What am I doing or have done wrong by the info I have given you above

Many Many thanks.
Well picons are up and running but I still have a few (about 10 channels) from my downloaded package that are missing due to them not being in the first lot . Now If I download other packages from any site via the computer and steal the pickons I want out of each package can I FTP them across to /media/usb/ like what I did with this folder that I FTP'd to the Duo2
View attachment 15883 View attachment 15884 View attachment 15885 "Now If I download other packages from any site via the computer and steal the pickons I want out of each package can I FTP them across to /media/usb/ like what I did with this folder that I FTP'd to the Duo2"

You should assign a service channel to the corresponding picon with Dreamboxedit prior to uploading. Attached are three pixs of Dreamboxedit. The first shows the assign picon to service popup menu, the second shows the popup pc directory menu where I have picons stored for any image and the third shows the correct settings paths for the receiver.

The best place to store the picons is in the receiver memory /usr/share/engima2/picon folder. I used to store them on the usb drive, but the Duo² has more than enough memory to handle picon storage; never store them on the hard drive.
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Everything working fine now. What a learning experience it was As for Picons on your Hard drive I was told that not a good idea as each time you change channel the parked hard drive has to start up just to grab the picon. On the other side is the picon's cache'd into the duo2 once you change channel