Using the default skin from 1.4.3 in 1.4.4?

I do not know if the skin is on the server .I think not
but you can copy skin from one image to another .
You have to copy from old image /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default folder
and you have to copy from old image /usr/share/enigma2/skin.xml file on your PC
After you install new image nad you can copy all this back in to new image.
So you overwrite already existing skin_default folder and skin.xml file
in new image with old ones.

After you have to do a restart enigma2/image
image enigma may crush down once
but after that he must work.
Hi MX10,
If the default skin ,of BH 1.4.3, is Army GradientHD, its all ready on the server!