Very basic, don't laugh


Vu+ Newbie
Hi everyone, VERY newbie, I have just ordered a Vu Solo 4k with extra Dual DVB-S2 tuner fitted, (I hope), and it is on the way.
My problem is on the roof. I live deep in SW France and have a fixed 90cm dish at 28.2 for English TV which works fine here (except if it rains hard).
With the new zinging box on the way I want to fit a motorised dish [rather motorise the one I have].
My question is so basic, hence the title, I don't even know if I need a single LNB as I have now, or would it be sensible to fit more than one LNB on the dish. My instinct is that as the dish sweeps the arc, one is enough?
Pause for laughter.
I have scanned the help here and apologise if it has been said ad nauseum but I missed it, there are a lot of pages.
I see a lot of advice about more than one cable from the LNB so should it ideally be a single double or quad cable type LNB to the tuners and what are the advantages?
I have a Velux so can reach the roof to re-run cables down as necessary so singe or multi strand for that?

My equipment at the moment is a Panasonic TX-P50VT20 which runs also as the set top box but although a superb TV I have never worked out how to record while watching another channel. Hence the Vu.

I have had a STAB 120 motor [as I was told it is one of the best, but I can be gullible], still sealed in the box for some years meaning to fit sometime, so now it is bite the bullet time.
I also have a 1.2metre dish I arrived in France with. It would help with rain issues? but although I live in the town square the house is very high up so the wind pressure on a centuries old house with a large but ominous looking chimney makes me ponder.
I mainly watch free to air [English] TV but it wouldn't hurt to see what other programmes are out there.

I hope these simple (to others), questions are easily answered as this forum looks like the go to forum for help.

Any help appreciated and saves me blowing money on the wrong spec.

Regards, Brian.
What is the make of the 90cm dish?
I set up a Penta 85cm, for my parents, in the UK, which is out performing some other dishes, but I'd check locally, to see what size dish is best for your area.
Can you set up your 1.2M dish at ground level, and receive Astra 2, 28.2E?
That way you can have a fixed dish system, for Astra 2, and use your motorized dish for other satellites.
Check on, using the obstacle checker option.
I would set up the motor, on your 90cm dish, if you have easy access, to get a good sweep, of the satellite arc.
I am using a dual LNB, 2 outputs, on my CM 1.2M dish, to my VU+ Duo 2, so that I can record, and view other channels.
What is the make of the 90cm dish?
I set up a Penta 85cm, for my parents, in the UK, which is out performing some other dishes, but I'd check locally, to see what size dish is best for your area.
Can you set up your 1.2M dish at ground level, and receive Astra 2, 28.2E?
That way you can have a fixed dish system, for Astra 2, and use your motorized dish for other satellites.
Check on, using the obstacle checker option.
I would set up the motor, on your 90cm dish, if you have easy access, to get a good sweep, of the satellite arc.
I am using a dual LNB, 2 outputs, on my CM 1.2M dish, to my VU+ Duo 2, so that I can record, and view other channels.

Hi Mick, Wow a reply, thanks.
I don't know the dish maker without climbing onto the roof but it was with a kit from a Hypermarket in a sale (I threw away the set top TNT box).
The TV reception almost always is great on 28.2E (notwithstanding violent storms), but as we get long summers they aren't often.
Ground level is out sadly as at the front is the town square and the patio to the rear points EXACTLY in the wrong direction so the house is in the way. Grrr.
I forgot to say I have another TV/box in the bedroom but it isn't used at the same time so maybe a quad LNB is the way to go?
I find these LNB's are cheap, even top end ones so if I get that wrong it's no big deal, (bar the roof antics).
So presumably re-running quad cable while i'm at it is also sensible?
I can use the single cable I have at the moment in one
So presumably re-running quad cable while i'm at it is also sensible?
I can use the single cable I have at the moment in one

Sorry, I seem to have sent it before finishing off ~
As I was saying, I can use the single cable I have at the moment to feed the bedroom box on one of the quad LNB outlets
and the other three downstairs to the Vu? Is that right? Regards, Brian.
Correct, a quad LNB, four separate outputs, can provide what you require, make sure you get a Quad LNB, and not a Quattro.
A Quattro LNB is for large distribution set ups, as instead of acting like 4 separate LNB's it provides, Vertical Low, Horizontal Low, Vertical High, and Horizontal High, outputs, that connect to a distribution system.