Request Very slow boot + start on VU+DUO


Vu+ Newbie

I have the BH 2.0.2 rev D installed on my VU+DUO with Meoboot. It takes 2 minutes to have the channel imagine on the TV. I have disabled most of the add-on from start but still not resolution. With the BH 1.7.5 I had channel imagine in less than 30 seconds. Meoboot was installed only to have a larger amount of memory available, I am not intending to use the other universes but experimentaly. Any ideas?
I have the following status:

Pluggins: the standard one with BH 2.0.2
Skins: the standard one only
Running on startup: MeoBoot, AutoResolution, CommonInterfaceAssignment, DVDPLayer, PicurePLayer, StreamTV, VuplusEvent, AutoShutDown

I can'd do the deletion of files via the FTP/VUCC.
I think, that AutoResolution, CommonInterfaceAssignment, maybe DVDPlayer (do you use it?), VuplusEvent could be removed.
From standard plugins HbbTV and OperaWebBrowser should be removed (they occupy a lot of memory).
Opera hbbtv is not installed in Duo.
Something you have installed slw down the boot.
Maybe a skin or panel or plugin.
Or you have a network mount that busy the box at startup.

The best thing to do is to wait for upcoming 2.0.3 and install a fresh image.
When starting first time (either from "power on" on the back or "on" button on remote control) the timing is:
"Starting" - on receiver display only - 40 seconds
"Booting" - on TV screen also - further 20 seconds
Starting GUI - on TV screen - further 30 seconds
90 seconds not that long if you try different image like vti u see how long take to boot up (minimum 200seconds)
90 seconds not that long if you try different image like vti u see how long take to boot up (minimum 200seconds)

When used BH 1.7.5. the timing from turning on to having picture on the screen with the TV channel was about 30 seconds.
With BH 2.0.2 the timing is triple, 90 seconds. Very annoying.
When used BH 1.7.5. the timing from turning on to having picture on the screen with the TV channel was about 30 seconds.
With BH 2.0.2 the timing is triple, 90 seconds. Very annoying.

I agree with Levi. 90 seconds is not too bad for Duo. And now - why Meoboot? If you don't have nothing in your box it's not necessary too (your first post: Meoboot was installed only to have a larger amount of memory available)
Uninstall it too and use USB stick for swap and picons (if you use them).
BH 2.0.3 will be released soon, will be lighter.
I have a strange situation now:

I want to upgrade from BH 2.0.2 to BH 2.0.3 and have followed the steps:

Format USB stick
Copied the new "vuplus" folder on the USB stick
Inserted the USB stick in the front USB port
Started receiver from the back power on button
But instead of "Reading USB" message on the display I have thee "Starting" message
The continues with normal loading of actual software instead of upgrading to new one.

I have tried also Factory Restore and the rest but no success.

During this time the light on the USB stick is flashing.

Any ideas?
I have a strange situation now:

I want to upgrade from BH 2.0.2 to BH 2.0.3 and have followed the steps:

Format USB stick
Copied the new "vuplus" folder on the USB stick
Inserted the USB stick in the front USB port
Started receiver from the back power on button
But instead of "Reading USB" message on the display I have thee "Starting" message
The continues with normal loading of actual software instead of upgrading to new one.

I have tried also Factory Restore and the rest but no success.

During this time the light on the USB stick is flashing.

Any ideas?

Follow exactly this
If it'll not work, use other low capacity stick (4GB or less). They are more compatible.