vlc streaming to vu+


Vu+ Newbie
Im trying to stream from vlc (under Ubuntu 12.) to my vu+ solo. The webinterface works and the -hosts-file is configurated correctly. The vlc-plugin on the vu+ displays the stream; but the stream doesn start off. On the vu+ I get the error-message
NoneType has no attribute getAttrubute from python.
vlc on my computer comes up with an error about file-opening/path:
Einlesen der Datei fehlgeschlagen:
VLC konnte die Datei "/home/erich/Streaming :sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp2v,vb=2000,venc=ffmpeg,fps=25,vfilter=canvas{width=352,height=288,aspect=4:3},soverlay,acodec=mp2a,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:std{access=http,mux=ts{pid-video=68,pid-audio=69},dst=/dream881627994.ts} :sout-all :sout-keep" nicht lesen. (Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden)
Ihre Eingabe konnte nicht geöffnet werden:
VLC kann die MRL 'file:///home/erich/Streaming%20%3Asout%3D%23transcode%7Bvcodec%3Dmp2v%2Cvb%3D2000%2Cvenc%3Dffmpeg%2Cfps%3D25%2Cvfilter%3Dcanvas%7Bwidth%3D352%2Cheight%3D288%2Caspect%3D4%3A3%7D%2Csoverlay%2Cacodec%3Dmp2a%2Cab%3D128%2Cchannels%3D2%2Csamplerate%3D44100%7D%3Astd%7Baccess%3Dhttp%2Cmux%3Dts%7Bpid-video%3D68%2Cpid-audio%3D69%7D%2Cdst%3D/dream881627994.ts%7D%20%3Asout-all%20%3Asout-keep' nicht öffnen. Sehen Sie für Details im Fehlerprotokoll nach.

Is it a problem with a path ?

Is it a problem with transcoding ?
Or is it a problem with me....

Thankś for help & greetings from Austria