Can somebody help with a manual about how to use OPenVpn as a client for hidemyass? I have found something, but most information from 2012 when it was not part of the image.
Now I want to use it with blackhole 2.1.
The provider hideyass gave me an .ovpn - File. The first lines seem to be the same as in .config - Files I found on the internet.
But below there is more, and I am not sure if this has to be out of the file in another ca and cert-File.
Can you please tell me also the structure I need to have? /ect/openvpn, and inside this the "keys" folder? or does something have to be in /usr or /ibin or /usr/script or something?
Here the data from the file I got from the provider. I would change the name to .config and have in the same folder the password.config with the username and password. Is this ok?
auth-user-pass password.config
ping 5
dev tun
resolv-retry infinite
;user nobody
;group nobody
;http-proxy-retry # retry on connection failures
;http-proxy [proxy server] [proxy port #]
ns-cert-type server
verb 3
;mute 20
route-metric 1
proto tcp
ping-exit 90
#route-delay 0 120
#hand-window 180
Below this there are 3 things, seems to be key and certificate, and then at last the server.
Do I have to cut this key and certificate out and put it in a seperate file or something? Or can I just leave it?
For the above...is something missing?
Thanks in advance!
Can somebody help with a manual about how to use OPenVpn as a client for hidemyass? I have found something, but most information from 2012 when it was not part of the image.
Now I want to use it with blackhole 2.1.
The provider hideyass gave me an .ovpn - File. The first lines seem to be the same as in .config - Files I found on the internet.
But below there is more, and I am not sure if this has to be out of the file in another ca and cert-File.
Can you please tell me also the structure I need to have? /ect/openvpn, and inside this the "keys" folder? or does something have to be in /usr or /ibin or /usr/script or something?
Here the data from the file I got from the provider. I would change the name to .config and have in the same folder the password.config with the username and password. Is this ok?
auth-user-pass password.config
ping 5
dev tun
resolv-retry infinite
;user nobody
;group nobody
;http-proxy-retry # retry on connection failures
;http-proxy [proxy server] [proxy port #]
ns-cert-type server
verb 3
;mute 20
route-metric 1
proto tcp
ping-exit 90
#route-delay 0 120
#hand-window 180
Below this there are 3 things, seems to be key and certificate, and then at last the server.
Do I have to cut this key and certificate out and put it in a seperate file or something? Or can I just leave it?
For the above...is something missing?
Thanks in advance!