VPN hidemyass (or other providers) configuration


Vu+ Newbie
Can somebody help with a manual about how to use OPenVpn as a client for hidemyass? I have found something, but most information from 2012 when it was not part of the image.
Now I want to use it with blackhole 2.1.
The provider hideyass gave me an .ovpn - File. The first lines seem to be the same as in .config - Files I found on the internet.
But below there is more, and I am not sure if this has to be out of the file in another ca and cert-File.

Can you please tell me also the structure I need to have? /ect/openvpn, and inside this the "keys" folder? or does something have to be in /usr or /ibin or /usr/script or something?

Here the data from the file I got from the provider. I would change the name to .config and have in the same folder the password.config with the username and password. Is this ok?

auth-user-pass password.config
ping 5
dev tun
resolv-retry infinite
;user nobody
;group nobody
;http-proxy-retry # retry on connection failures
;http-proxy [proxy server] [proxy port #]
ns-cert-type server
verb 3
;mute 20
route-metric 1

proto tcp
ping-exit 90
#route-delay 0 120
#hand-window 180

Below this there are 3 things, seems to be key and certificate, and then at last the server.

Do I have to cut this key and certificate out and put it in a seperate file or something? Or can I just leave it?
For the above...is something missing?
Thanks in advance!
As no one here and in other forums could help, and I read that it is much easier to configure with a router then with the vu+. So I ordered a router (42€ TP link) yesterday. Now the challenge will be to connect it to the existing router, to use on the one side this router with VPN, I will connect my Vu+ and desktop, and on the other hand leave the existing router without VPN, so that my wife does not have a slower connection for downloads. If someone is interested I will write later if this works out.
If you only want to disguise your geographic location (for example to access UK or US based services) then you might find one of the smart dns services to be appropriate. Smart dns just replaces your ISP dns so UK/US whatever websites see you where you want to be, your upload/download speeds are not affected. No privacy of any sort is offered though.

Your two router solution should also work. The first router connects to the ISP and provides a local subnet (eg) 192.168.0.xxx then the new router connects it's WAN port to one of the old router's LAN ports, just make sure it has a new subnet (eg) 192.168.1.xxx.

Good luck!