VTi 15.0.0 HDMI overscan


Vu+ Newbie
Hello! Sorry for the quick new posts.

I have tested multiple images on my VuPlus Uno 4K SE and the image that adapted best to what I needed was VTi.

However, I see one issue on my system that is currently preventing me from using it: HDMI overscan. It is the only VuPlus image where I have this issue. It is very possible the issue is coming from my TV, but even if it is from the TV, I cannot disable it as there is no option to do so. Rebooting, reconnecting HDMI, changing HDMI doesn't help.

And, again, VTi is the only image where I have this issue.

Is there anything I can try and copy over from other images to VTi to try and solve this problem?
Yes: asking to VTi forum (and... good luck if you can't write in German, as they are not very inclined to have international sections). If you hadn't noticed, this forum is devoted to BlackHole and OpenBlackhole images.
I also suggest you take some sugar to lessen the bitterness of this image.