Hi Devlopers
First of all thanks for your great efforts to create vu+ a Rock solid sattelite tuner. You guys has done a great job and very impressive results when it comes to images.
Recentlly i came across an application called dvblogic. Then i thought why don't we can include a feature like this in a vu+ ultimo/duo. Provide the channels over DLNA. As i know BH images has inbuilt DLNA server but is it possible to use that server to give channel access as well?
This could be a great feature for ultimo with 3 tunner option so TV's having inbuilt wireless and DLNA can play channels from Vu+ over wireless. I have tested with dvblogic and its working great. The only thing is that i need to have pc beside the vu+ which can get stream from vu+ and convert it to dlna. Sometime Windows crashed as you know and then you need to restart and then so on. But dvblogic cannot handle multi channels from same transponder to different client which is being handled by vu+ nicley.
So please guys take a look on that feature that could be very nice for upcoming future.
First of all thanks for your great efforts to create vu+ a Rock solid sattelite tuner. You guys has done a great job and very impressive results when it comes to images.
Recentlly i came across an application called dvblogic. Then i thought why don't we can include a feature like this in a vu+ ultimo/duo. Provide the channels over DLNA. As i know BH images has inbuilt DLNA server but is it possible to use that server to give channel access as well?
This could be a great feature for ultimo with 3 tunner option so TV's having inbuilt wireless and DLNA can play channels from Vu+ over wireless. I have tested with dvblogic and its working great. The only thing is that i need to have pc beside the vu+ which can get stream from vu+ and convert it to dlna. Sometime Windows crashed as you know and then you need to restart and then so on. But dvblogic cannot handle multi channels from same transponder to different client which is being handled by vu+ nicley.
So please guys take a look on that feature that could be very nice for upcoming future.