Vu+ driver bug with recordings


Vu+ Newbie

I have a utimo with a problem with playback of recordings randomly freezing. You have to press FF/Rew to get the playback to resume.

I have since discovered this a vu driver bug as lots of other people have the same issue.

Can something be done about this? I have the exact same issue in BH image and Vix image also.

Has anyone else here experienced the same problem? Really hope this can be fixed soon.

According to your own words then no, drivers is a VuPlus issue and they`re closed source.
There is no team who can fix this by there own.

Personally i`ve no problems with playing movies, recordings etc.
I have a utimo with a problem with playback of recordings randomly freezing. You have to press FF/Rew to get the playback to resume.

Not all have these problems so maybe is an hdd issue.
Try to format it again an try different formats: ext3 and ext4.
I have the same problem with my Duo using several versions of BH and also Vix.
I have just installed BH 1.7.4 will report back if the problem persists I can`t replicate the problem as it is intermitent
I also have this issue in my previous Vu Duo and now in Vu Ultimo. The issue started to appear after image update but quite long ago - a year or so. Since then I have, rarely, movie freeze. And I had this on VIX, VTI, OpenPLI and BH. It helps to ff or rev but still its annoying. It sometimes not freeze but the image is distorted and it looks like decoding errors - rectangular boxex appear and it looks like You watch live channel and signal drops - those are the same effects. Fast forward helps.
I already reported this driver bug to Vu through their website. I have not heard anything back from them.
It happens to me also sometimes, on my ultimo, but it's an old bug in E2 I think, as it used to happen with my old dm800 and also my friends dm800. Seems to happen more, if you are recording a program and start watching it back whilst it's still recording it.