vu+du2 Help


Vu+ Newbie
After a lot of reading with not much sinking in I have finally bought a VU+ DUO2 receiver. This box is to replace my Sky HD receiver with something hopefully more reliable after my two previous HD boxes have failed. I have blackhole installed and have tested DCC to drop files in the temp folder, I can also view the FTA channels.
I have two issues:

1. how do I get the VU+DU2 to read my Sky card so that I can watch channels that I have paid for

2. to please the Mrs how do I make the programmer look like the Sky programmer.

I apologise in advance as this has probably been asked many times but after several days searching other threads / posts just dont make any sense to me.
1. how do I get the VU+DU2 to read my Sky card so that I can watch channels that I have paid for
Discussions about encrypted channels are not allowed in this community as for the forum rules:
Recall also that it is illegal to reproduce your subscription to any Sky decoder IC that
has not paid the royaltes to NDS Group plc.
In order to prevent any discussion about the possible unlawful use of the receivers, it's forbidden
any debate about the smartcard reading and encoding systems.