VU+ Duo 2, Satellite & Cable setup help?


Vu+ Newbie
I have had my Duo 2 for a while now, viewing via Satellite tuner and well conversant how to set it up using latest BH 2.1.5 but I have decided to install an additional Cable tuner since I have connection available. But some questions....

1. Is there a how to post to show how to configure and set up for Duo 2 configured for Sat & Cable setup? or can someone please tell me how to?

2. Can someone please advise how to scan channels? and save to Cables.xml? do I need a file to start with and where to get it? what software can be used to alter channel listings (I currently use Dreamset for Satellite channels)?

3. How do you change from watching Satellite to Cable channel?

Your help would be most appreciated. Thankyou in advance.
I have same questions but I notice no one replies. I am using genuine VU+ Solo2, genuine VU Turb USB tuner, want to watch FTA channels but no one replies. I am puzzled!
Not many of us have cable, in our area, so don't use cable tuners, and as each Country is different, I would assume you need to load a suitable cables.xml file, before scanning in channels.
Any USB device is different, as you will also need the correct drivers, if they're not already included.
Thanks for your reply. Cables.xml is in my next to do list.
Why do you say I need correct driver. I read somewhere on this forum that latest Open BH image supports Turbo tuner. Thanks again for replying. Cheers

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There are that many different USB devices that you can't add all possible drivers, if your device is already working, then you shouldn't require installing any other drivers.
Check your current cables.xml list, if you have an office excel program, on your PC, using FileZilla, or other FTP program, look for tuxbox
Thanks. An unknown guy, who does not know about cable tuner setup, had given me cables.xml file. When in at home I will download a good version of CX file. I will also review it in XML editor for my area (netid). Thanks

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I have managed to sort this by using Bruteforce for UK as provider. Thanks

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