Vu duo 4 k SE lcd skin


Vu+ Newbie
Hi , I am using open black hole 5.3.014 , vu duo 4 k SE , Can i get the default lcd skin of black hole or old open black hole default lcd skin …… thx
Unlikely, as those skins might not be compatible, with OpenBh 5.3.
If you go into the Menu, Plugins, and press the green button, to download plugins, you can access a list of available skins, as well as additional options.
Unlikely, as those skins might not be compatible, with OpenBh 5.3.
If you go into the Menu, Plugins, and press the green button, to download plugins, you can access a list of available skins, as well as additional options.
Sir , I am talking about the lcd skin.xml of open black hole not gui skins
The Black Hole image is no longer produced, as it was based on the official VU+ image, if you want the original image go to the VU+ official site.
I don't even remember what the original skin was, as I haven't used Black Hole since OpenBh replaced it.
If you load the official VU+ image you might find the original xml file, or you could contact the VU+ help option.
Will extract that xml as i have that image installed on my older solo 4 k thx anyway , dark days ahead in terms of vu