VU+ Duo app and OpenWebif


Vu+ Newbie
I just downloaded an excellent app (VUPLUSTV) which will enable me to watch channels from my VU+ Duo on my IPad or IPhone. It uses OpenWebif.
I have a name (root) *and password* for my VU+ box, which I use for DreamBoxEdit and VU+ Control Centre on my PC. The name and pw are the same in those two programs and I can access my VU+ box fine using either program.
The VUPLUSTV app requires the box's IP and port number (80) AND the name and password. But when - in the OpenWebIF Configuration menu "HTTP Authorisation Required" is set to "yes", the app doesn't work and I can't access OWIF in my PC's browser either - it gives me the message
http://<my_ipaddress>.... is requesting your username and password. The site says: “OpenWebif”

and does not accept the password.
But when - in the OpenWebIF Configuration menu - "HTTP Authorisation Required" is set to "no", the app works.

So am I right in thinking that OWIF somehow separately needs to be told what the password is ? Or does it require a separate password all of its own ?
How can I make OWIF accept the password ? I have absolutely no idea how to do it, (I can use Telnet in VU+ Control Centre), so Instructions for Idiots would be greatly appreciated.
No, OWIF is just and only an interface: it uses the same password you set for the image.
Can you grab your overall OWIF configuration?
I've just download even this app (I have other apps for VU+ and for enigma2 boxes) and it immediately worked.
If I understand well, is only your PC browser that does not access OWIF, am I right?
Have you tried another browser? Have you checked if a wrong password was stored by the browser you tried?
>Can you grab your overall OWIF configuration?
On my PC I can only open OWIF when OWIF is set to HTTP authentication - No in the OWIF Configuration menu on the VU+

>If I understand well, is only your PC browser that does not access OWIF, am I right?
See above

>Have you tried another browser?
Yes, I have tried Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Cliqz. When OWIF (in the OWIF Configuration menu on the VU+) is set to Authenticate HTTP - Yes, it does not accept the name and password.

>Have you checked if a wrong password was stored by the browser you tried?
It is definitely correct. I cleared the history and cache of all the OWIF stuff each time I tried.
Also, as I mention, that password is correct in - on my PC - 1) Dreambox Edit (I can access my box), 2) VU+ Control Centre (I can access my box) 3) FTP (WinSCP, which I use for all my FTP stuff for my own website etc). I can access my box using that same name (root) and password in all three programs.
Ah, I managed to find the version number of the OWIF I have, when I access it on my PC (no authentication). It says
Open Source Web Interface for Linux set-top box
Version: OWIF 1.3.8
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Grab means taking a screenshot.
So, can you post your OWIF configuration?


  • OWIF configuration.jpg
    OWIF configuration.jpg
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Access the box by telnet and type "passwd" (without the quotes) - it will ask you to set a password, put what you think is configured or whatever. Forehead.
Tried that in VU+ Control Centre using the Telnet option. When it is waiting for the command, I can't type anything. I copied and pasted the word passwd and that worked, then, on the next line, where it says "new password", it won't accept anything I try to type, nothing at all...
And actually it already shows me the current password in the telnet window a couple of lines further above... Also tried copying and pasting my password from a text file. Won't take it. Line remains empty with a blinking | marker.
It's impossible you see the password you gave in the telnet history because Linux or MacOs NEVER show passwords while you type. You must've given a wrong command.
The right command is

passwd root

so, included the username you are going to change the password. You'll be prompted TWICE with a ? and you won't see anything while typing (although you can backwards delete chars, in case you think you made a mistake).

If this VCC doesn't work, maybe you should use directly telnet by your command line.
If using the VU+ Control Centre, you are already logged in, so you don't need to enter your IP, or root, unlike other telnet options, like PuTTy.
When you have the command prompt, root@vuduo:/#
type passwd and press the return key. You should then be prompted for a new password.
Alex, I CAN see the password. See enclosed screenshot. The v(xxxxxxxx)s is my password.
OK, so then I tried Telnet on my Windows 7. Used open serveraddress 192...... etc.
Connected to the VU
Entered passwd root (no problem writing it)
Saw the "new password" line - and couldn't enter anything at all. The cursor dot didn't move no matter what I tried to enter.


  • telnet.jpg
    30 KB · Views: 26
I just updated my VUCC to the latest version. Same problem. At the "new password" entry line I cannot enter anything AND I see the same image as above in the image.
By the way, when I use Telnet, I don't do anything.... the lines beginning
and the ... /cd lines all appear on their own.
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It works for me, on a Windows 10 PC, but you could try downloading PuTTY, and test that. When using PuTTY you will need to first type in your receivers IP address, hit return, then when ready type in root, and hit return, then wait for the command prompt before typing in passwd.
You have here the link to the putty.

I leave you a short video ... this is a Vu + to which you do not assign passwd. Follow what you see in the video and at the end write the passwd, which you will not see. If you ask to repeat, write the passwd again.

I wrote you: by normal Telnet, you don't see anything while typing the password. You only read a question mark (?). This is how this linux command works.
>I wrote you: by normal Telnet, you don't see anything while typing the password. You only read a question mark (?)
Thankyou Alex, I understood that, but using the VUCC Telnet nothing happened after I typed in (blind) the password. I was not asked to type it in again.
HOWEVER, I did what Mick suggested, downloaded Putty, followed the settings on p.rodrigues' video (putty showed me a different port number, so I left it as it was) and SUCCESS !! I set the OWIF HTTP Authentication to "yes" and I can now access OWIF in my PC browsers AND the VUPLUSTV App works as well (only tried the Free to Air on 28.8 via the dish so far, as I don't think it will work with our IPTV system).
Thankyou all so much for your help and patience. This was getting to be a big sleepless worry for me.
Is there a "make a donation" screen anywhere here?