VU+DUO blachole or not


Vu+ Newbie
being relativly new i have looked but cant find the answer...... what is the advantage of installing black hole over the standard setup.... ie does it give you more funcionality options etc..does it work better i am thinking about installing it....
There is no better than to give a try . Install it and you will see it with your eyes .
Try with facts , not with words.
right got the file but wont try it tonight... a question do i lose all the previous saved settings ie favourites recordings and saved recording settings if it all goes horrilbly wrong can i save and restore what i have now.. sorry if i sound vauge but this is my first sattelite tuner..
busaman First, if you will want to restore you must make a full backup of the current image. After flashing new image, you will have a clean environment and must to configure everything and scan for channels. I don't remember a structure of the original image, but if you save his /etc/enigma2 folder, you will have an option to transfer your favorites to the new system (but repeat - not sure if structure is the same)