Vu duo, CIFS &WIN7


Vu+ Newbie
Hi all
i'm trying to see my PC disks ( PC running Win7..) from my Vu duo...but it seems to fail
( to make sure, I have no Firewall..)
networkbrowsing from the Vu do not reveal any disk ( which si obviously wrong :-)...but if i'm running the PC under XP, then everything goes well and I can share my disks...

I'm kind of lost because I don't see what is blocking when running Win7 on PC and what prevents the Vu from discovering its environment..

To make sure, i've put PC and Vu in the same workgroup ( called VUPLUS ), but same stuff, no external disk seen ( of course my 500GB internal hdd is visible...)

Any suggestion welcome

I you have , uninstall Windows Live Sign-In Assistant

You can read here (not VU but is the same) post 1939

You can try also this translated :

For Windows Professional and Ultima, you have to switch off some WIndows security features for allowing another device to access anonymously public shares. For this you have to run secpol.msc. Here are the required steps, which are translations from a German Windows 7. So the exact wording in the English version will be different:

1. Start - Accessories – Run
2. Enter "secpol.msc" (without quotes) and run
3. Local Policies – Security Options
4. Network access: Limit anonymous pipes and shares access: DEACTIVATE
5. Network access: Allow "Anyone" access for anonymous users: ACTIVATE

(Please remember: wordings are translations from German, so the exact wording in the English version will be different)

restart both ,
Has anyone had any luck with this on Windows 10? I tried these settings but the shares don't show up in NetworkBrowser. Image is BH 3.0.3 . Cheers.